Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cafe World - What Exactly is the Cafe World Game? By Sandra Maria Stammberger Platinum Quality Author

Cafe World is a fun simulation game that allows players a chance to run their own cafes online, playing with their friends and co-workers. It's completely free to play, and is played as an application on Facebook, allowing players to share their cafe with all of their Facebook friends. Friends can visit the player's cafe and leave a tip, earning both the player and the visitor experience and game money. As players gain experience, they can upgrade their cafe, buy new furniture or decorations, and access new recipes to serve in their cafe.

New players may want to read a Cafe World guide to get a quick explanation of how to best level up their cafe. Each player starts out with a small cafe, a stove to cook on, a counter top to serve the food on, and two tables with chairs. They also get a little in game money to buy more furniture, or to cover the cost of cooking.

Cooking a dish costs money, and takes a specific amount of time to prepare. Some dishes takes only 5 minutes, while others take 3 days. The dishes continue to cook, even when you're not playing, but will spoil if not served shortly after being completed. Finished dishes are served by being moved to the counter, where a waiter will bring them to the customer. When the customer has finished their meal, they pay and leave.

Some dishes offer more profit than others. The best dishes also depend on how often you can check on your cafe. Players who can't visit every 15 minutes all day long will want to cook the dishes that take hours to finish, while constant players will want to stick to dishes that are 10 minutes and under. A Cafe World guide explains the best dishes for making money or experience, and offers tips and tricks for keeping your counters full of food and your customers happy. As the player gains experience and game money, they can make their cafe larger, add more stoves and counter tops, add more furniture and decorations, and hire more of their friends to work in their cafe.

Players can also buy Cafe Cash, game money bought with real world money, to grow their cafe faster and to access special bonuses. A good Cafe World guide can teach players which bonuses are worth the money, and which aren't worth anything. Cafe World Is fun and... it's really addicting!

If you want to become a Top Chef and want to succeed in Cafe World, you should visit my site for more Cafe World Tips and Tricks. Go to: Cafe World Guide at

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Mafia Wars Fights - Warzone! By Sandra Maria Stammberger Platinum Quality Author

If you've been exposed to the highly popular and addictive game Mafia Wars, then you have also undoubtedly been a part of the fighting that takes place in the game. You also know that there are four things (three old, one more recent) that go into winning a fight: your mafia size, personal attributes in the "attack" and "defense" sections, equipment, and the new addition of the boosts.

Maybe the most important thing that goes into winning Mafia Wars fights is the size of your mafia, especially at lower levels. Each member can be equipped with a weapon, a defensive item, and a vehicle, so even the difference between a mafia number of 501 holds a strong advantage to a mafia of 490. The attack and defense attributes are pretty self-explanatory, the more attack you own equates to a higher chance of beating someone down, and more defense relates to you holding your own when someone attacks you. The equipment issue is a bit tricky, as with each new "location" added to the game, more (and usually better) equipment comes along with it, both in the form of loot and as items available for purchase.

When deciding to attack someone, you'll have a variety of options as to how to go about it. The first is to simply go into the fight screen, choose a hapless victim, and take them out. You'll find out immediately whether or not you can take the person, so if the first hit isn't successful, it may not be a good idea to keep going.

The second method is the popular Hitlist. The Hitlist provides you with a list of bounties on other mafia members, offering you a monetary reward if you can take them out. Another method is to look and see who has attacked you, and if you think you can get them back, by all means go for it! Don't let someone bully you around!

Overall, the fighting in Mafia Wars provides everyone with an interesting alternative to just doing jobs, and it provides an interesting twist into the game which motivates the user to keep improving their mafia.

I am sure, other Mafia Wars players may not be so happy that I am releasing this information, but I'm not going to hide it! For more Mafia Wars insider Tips and tricks visit Mafia Wars Strategies at

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Space Colony - A Mixmatched Adventure By N. Ramius

A GameTap subscription enables one to try a multitude of different games. One such game offering is Space Colony, a Sim and Tycoon style game that has you sent into the furthest reaches of space to build a space station and mine resources for a mega-corporation. Of course you are not alone on the station as you have ya crew made up of stereotyped personalities who break the political correctness barrier. Hilarity ensues when you listen to Candy, a ditzy blonde whose main talent is sweeping or Billy Bob the chicken farmer who speaks like a country bumpkin.

One of the strongest points in the game is the voice acting and hearing the characters interact with one another. Of course if two of your crew mates hate each other and you cannot get them to therapy fast enough a brawl will break out between them. Managing this diverse crew of up to 20 different crew members, though you will not see all on any given stage, is just like the Sims. They have entertainment needs, a limited amount of time to work, different skills and it's your job to get them doing what needs to be done so that you can meet your goal whether it be exporting a certain number of chickens or mining a rare metal while repelling aliens.

The space station starts small and as you progress new sections can be added on and items bought like bunks for sleeping, dance mats for fun or even a learning pod to help a crew member learn a new skill. In the main storyline mode, one mission leads to the next and the characters relations and your ending balance are converted to the next stage meaning a highly successful mission will make your next job easier, a dismal success much harder. One other thing, the space station carries over until you are sent to a new planet so modifications on one level will also carry over requiring some strategic thought in laying out new structures.

Combining the Sims with part Tycoon style game creates a solid game but not much replay value. There is an expanded galaxy where one can do a bunch of individual missions or a sandbox mode where you compete however you want with no fixed goal, but once the story is done that is it. Still if you get a chance it is worth checking out if only to hear the characters.

More information including tips and cheats can be found at Space Colony PC.

Other articles by N. Ramius include School Tycoon Review.

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Tips to Leveling in Cafe World By Marcus Lawrenceson

Cafe world, one of the newest Facebook apps, has been attracting more and more users daily. This game is simple yet highly enjoyable because it allows you to run your own cafe in your own way! Naturally, you'll want to learn how you can level faster in cafe world because it unlocks more items and unique recipe when you've hit a certain level. Here are some tips to leveling in cafe world.

Play time, play time, and play time.

More importantly, you need to understand how your play time can impact your game. Although it goes without saying, the more your spend playing this game the faster you can level, you can still level fast enough with the limited time you play daily.

One of the most important aspects of playing this game is to know how you can maximize your playing time with what you do in game. Cooking a recipe and serving them will require a certain amount of minutes, or hours. Therefore if you can afford to play this game continuously for an hour, consider serving bacon cheeseburger rather than home roast.

This way you can ensure that you do not waste food by having your food burnt (they will be burnt if the amount of time you needed to serve them doubles the time you need to cook them), and thus yielding you the most experience points you can possibly get.

Buzz points.

Along side with efficient serving, you must also remember that if either happy or unhappy customer will impact your buzz points. Buzz points is an indication of how popular your cafe is, and also whether you will have an increase in customer or a decrease.

To make sure that you keep your buzz points up, you'll need to know how it works. You will only add a buzz point if your customer is served in a quick manner, as well as have them seated as quickly as possible. Therefore take into account of your cafe world layout, as it is important if you want to level quickly in this game.

For every successful customer you served, you will gain one buzz point, and likewise failing to do so will minus your buzz points. Therefore you ought to ensure that you do a good job in handling the amount of customer as well as ensuring a quick turn around time for each table.

After all, if you have a perfect cafe and not any customers, you will not be able to last very long in business, let alone leveling up quickly!

Ribbons to level quickly.

Just like in other Facebook app, ribbons are now introduced in game and allow you to earn extra experience points and money in cafe world. There are many ways to unlock more ribbons once you've gone on to do more things in this game. The key is to try to unlock as many as possible and skipping those that you and your play time can not afford. This way you will be reaping more money and experience points that will count in the long run.

Leveling in cafe world is simple, provided you already know what are the things you need to look out for, those tips above are handy in ensuring that you are maximizing everything you can when running your cafe.

Lastly, your Cafe World experience can be enhanced when you have more neighbors to join you. Leveling in cafe world with neighbors is one of easiest way to let gain more experience points and money in game.

If you're like me who are unwilling to add strangers in game, you will be pleased to know that there are other ways to add more neighbors in cafe world. Find more cafe world tips here!

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Best Way to Make Money in FarmVille By Danny Jobes Platinum Quality Author

In FarmVille, the popular Facebook application game, players are able to run their own farm by constructing buildings, planting crops and trees, and raising animals. However, you need coins to buy the items for yoru farm. Here are the best ways to make cash in FarmVille.


Planting crops is the most basic way to get money in FarmVille. When planting a crop, it costs 15 coins to plow the land in addition to the seed cost. Each crop takes anywhere from just a few hours to a couple days to fully mature before you can sell it. Here are the top 3 most profitable crops:

1. Peas - Peas sell for 381 coins, cost 190 coins (plus 15 for plowing the field) and mature in 23 hours (1 day). This comes out to 7.65 coins per hour.
2. Asparagus - Asparagus sells for 357 coins, costs 220 coins to plant (plus 15 for plowing the field) and matures in 16 hours. This comes out to 7.63 coins per hour.
3. Onions - Onions sell for 275 coins, cost 170 coins (plus 15 for plowing the field) and mature in 12 hours. This comes out to 7.5 coins per hour.

Crops take up a full square of land (each square of land is 4x4 small squares of space).

Animals & Trees:

Animals and Trees do not need to be replenished - they produce something such as hair (animals) or fruit (trees) and continually produce these items every 1-5 days (depending on the type of animal) without any upkeep. Cows and Horses take up 4 small squares of space (2x2) while all other animals and trees take up 1 small square. As a result, you could fit 16 smaller animals or trees in the same space that you could fit a single crop patch. While each individual tree does not produce a lot of money, the profits of 16 trees adds up. As a result, trees and animals have the greatest profit potential (although building them up in a large quantity is hard).

Here are the top 3 animals / trees as far as profit potential goes:

1. Olive Tree - Produces Olives every 4 days (92 hours) which sell for 112 coins. This comes out to 1.22 coins per hour (multiplied by 16 this is 19.48 - compare this to the crops above).
2. Goat - Produces Milk every 2 days (46 hours) which sells for 54 coins. This comes out to 1.17 coins per hour (multiplied by 16 this is 18.72 coins per hour).
3. Date Tree - Produces Dates every 3 days (69 hours) which sell for 69 coins. This comes out to 1 coin per hour (multiplied by 16 this is 16 per hour).

As you can see, the Olive Tree and Goat are the best money-makers in FarmVille. However, these can only be received as free gifts from your friends. Additionally, harvesting animals and trees provides no experience points. As a result, you will still need to plant crops in order to make a lot of coins and level up, but make sure you accept all the olive trees and goats you get to save on your farm!

Visit my FarmVille Strategy page for more FarmVille strategies, tips, news, and updates!

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Cafe World Tips and Tricks - Secret Tips and Tricks to Build the Ultimate Cafe Without Cheating By Tony Sanders

Are you looking for secret Cafe World tips to help you build the ultimate cafe? Well if you want secret tips to help you become one of the top chefs, you must know what food items to cook and when to cook your food:

Make Maximum Profits By Knowing What Foods To Cook
Knowing what foods to cook for your cafe is important for your success in this game. If you want to make the maximum cafe points and cafe coins from each food that you make, you must only cook food items that will give you the best return on your investment.

To expand, lets use the Bacon Cheeseburger as an example:

You can prepare the Bacon Cheeseburger in 5 minutes for 13 people at a cost of 15 Cafe coins and sell it for 52 Cafe coins. In this case our cheeseburger dish produces an ROI of (52-15)/15 = 2.46 or 2.46%. Compare this percentage with other food items and you will know what foods will give you the best return on your investment.

Make Maximum Profits By Knowing When To Cook Your Food
To ensure that you make maximum profits from your food, you will need to create yourself a cooking schedule. A cooking schedule will do two things for you:

- Maximize your cafe points and cafe coins that you earn
- Ensure that your foods will not spoil.

To create a cooking schedule, you will need to keep in mind how often you use the internet. If you use the internet often, you should cook foods that require a small amount of time to complete. This way, you can keep cooking these foods and accumulate a lot of cafe points and cafe coins easily.

However, if you do not spend a lot of time on the internet, your best option is to cook foods that take a long time to complete such as the French Onion Soup.

How do you know exactly what foods to cook and when to cook the food for maximum gain?

Learn Exactly What To Cook And When To Cook To Dominate Cafe World
Knowing exactly what food items to cook and when to cook the food to build the ultimate cafe requires a lot of research. If you want to skip all the research and learn the secrets that only the pros use to become the top chef, I highly recommend you use the Cafe World Domination Guide.

This guide an elaborate step-by-step handbook with detailed screen shots that will show you exactly what to do to become the #1 chef. This guide is made up of the best secrets and tricks that only the game masters use to build their ultimate cafe.

Want to see this guide for yourself? Visit: Cafe World Domination

Learning how to build the ultimate cafe yourself will require a lot of research and testing. If you want the fastest and best way to dominate your friends, I highly recommended you use the Cafe World Domination Guide.

How popular do you think you will become when you own the #1 ultimate cafe on Facebook and MySpace? Visit: Cafe World Domination

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Castle Age Guide and Tips By Steven H. Ng

Castle Age is a time-based massively-multiplayer online (MMO) game hosted on Facebook. You get to quest in a lore-rich world, team up with friends to fight monsters such as dragons and hydra, and even invade and duel thousands of other Castle Age players! The following is a guide and tips on the various Castle Age stats and the many actions that you can take in the game.

Player Stats

In Castle Age, you are able to complete quests, battle other players and fight dangerous monsters. Which stat you focus on will determine how good you are in each of those areas. Everytime you gain a level and complete quests, you will be given points that you can allocate to whichever stat you choose.

* Attack - This determines how effective you are at fighting other players and dealing damage to monsters. Focus on this stat if you are interested in player-vs-player (PVP) action or monster-slaying.

* Defense - High defense makes you more effective at defeating other players who attack you, and also causes monsters to deal less damage to you. Generally useful to prevent losing health and gold all the time when other players attack you.

* Energy - Doing quests requires energy, with the more advanced quests requiring more energy. Focus on this stat if you want to do more quests, thus earning experience and gaining gold and levels faster. Energy regenerates at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes.

* Health - This determines how much of a beating you can take. You will take damage each time you fight other players and monsters. High health will allow you to take more damage before you become too weak to fight. However, healing to full health is pretty cheap, so this stat is not too important. Health regenerates at a rate of 1 every 3 minutes.

* Stamina - It costs 2 points to increase your stamina by 1. Each stamina point allows you to fight another player or attack a monster, hence a high stamina means you can fight more. Fighting is also a good source of experience points, and killing monsters gives you the chance of collecting powerful items. Hence stamina is a fairly important stat to focus on. Stamina regenerates at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes.


One way of seeing the world of Castle Age is by questing. You are able to explore the world from the lowest level Land of Fire through to more treacherous areas. As you progress, the quests become more difficult to do and have more requirements you need to meet before you can attempt them. Each quest requires a certain amount of energy, and usually have other requirements you have to meet before you are allowed to attempt it, such as a specific hero you need to employ as well as specific combinations of units and equipment. In addition, each "Land" or level of quests has an "end boss" quest that rewards you with powerful heroes, equipment and magic when you complete it.

It is a good idea to plan ahead and look at the requirements of a couple of quests beyond the one you are currently attempting. If you know what heroes and which units are required, you will be able to save up enough gold to buy them when you've completed your current quest, therefore not wasting any time between quests. In addition, some quests have very high energy requirements. Knowing how much energy you need in the immediate future will also help you plan your stat allocation accordingly.


Battling involves fighting with other Castle Age players, whether it is via a full-scale invasion or a duel between your top generals. You earn battle points each time you defeat an opponent. The more battle points you earn, the higher your battle rank; and certain ranks allow you to hire or summon powerful units, items and spells.

Do note though that you gain more battle points defeating opponents with a higher level and rank than you. There is also a battling restriction while you are lower than level 80. You will only be able to battle other players in the same 10-level bracket as you. After level 80, it's a free-for-all and everyone is fair game.

Invading another player involves huge armies battling each other. Therefore it is the option of choice for players with lots of friends playing the game and hence a larger army. Each army member will use one of your items and spells to face the other player's army. If your army is big enough, your generals will also join in the fight.

Dueling involves sending your best general against the other player's general. These generals will be equipped with the very best items and magic in your arsenal. As such, this is the option for players that do not have that many friends playing the game.

Whether you are invading or dueling, your attack stat is naturally important if you are the attacker, and the defense stat is crucial if you want to win fights that other players start. In addition, stamina is important if you want to start a lot of fights.


Fighting monsters is the third style of play in Castle Age besides questing and battling other players. These monsters are summoned by players once they meet certain requirements. Bosses such as Gildamesh the Orc King and Sylvanas the Sorceress Queen become accessible once you complete the majority of quests in their respective regions. Other monsters such as dragons and hydra can be summoned once you have collected all the prerequisite alchemical ingredients.

Some of the lower level monsters can be fought on your own. However, the majority of them will require teamwork as you recruit other players to fight with you. Monsters such as the region bosses and dragons can be fought by the summoner and other players in their army. The World Hydra works a bit differently, and can be attacked by any Castle Age player who happens to stumble upon them.

These monsters have a set time limit in which they have to be killed, otherwise they will flee. If you manage to kill a monster, you will have the chance of collecting rare items, units and magic from it.


Heroes or generals are the backbone of your army. Each quest will require a specific hero to lead your army in order to complete it. In addition, your heroes will lead your army in battles with other players, or be your representative in duels. They will also be the ones fighting the monsters. (It's a tough life being a hero!)

There are various heroes with varying degrees of power in attack and defense. The more common ones can be hired in town, but the most powerful ones (including demons and demi-gods) can only be accessed via the Oracle with favor points, which we will discuss later on.

Units, Items and Magic

When you're in town, you can spend gold to hire units and buy equipment to prepare for battle. Each quest that you complete will have a certain number and type of units that you are required to have. Only when you have hired those units will you be able to attempt the quest.

Units and equipment are crucial when you are fighting. When invading other players, the more powerful units you have, the more chance you have at successfully defeating the other player. In addition, when you are dueling another player or fighting a monster, your best equipment in each "body slot" will provide damage bonuses for you and keep you from taking damage.


Although Castle Age is all about questing, fighting monsters and battling other players, the bit that is most crucial to your success is your economic machine. You will need lots of gold to hire heroes and units and equip them with good items and magic. In addition, the more powerful of these units and equipment have an upkeep, costing you gold every hour.

Doing quests, attacking other players and fighting monsters all provide you with some gold, but you will need to invest that hard-earned cash into land that will generate hourly income for you. Do note that the more of each land type you buy, the more expensive it becomes. It pays to check the return on investment for each land type at all times to determine which piece of land is of the most value.


Demi-Powers are deities or gods that can aid you in your struggles. There are 5 demi-powers, each of whom has a unique role and can provide you with powerful benefits when you ask for their blessings. For example, Malekus is the demi-power of war, and you will gain 1 attack point each time you pray to him. In addition to these stat boosts, praying to the demi-powers will also unlock exclusive quests and provide you with powerful items and magic.


This is where the most powerful heroes and items can be obtained. Every month, there will be an exclusive hero and their related equipment that can be bought using favor points. In addition, there are "treasure chests" available where you can spend favor points and gamble on what you will receive. It could be a common piece of armor, or it could be the most powerful general in the game.

These favor points can be a bit difficult to come by. You start the game with a few favor points, and you have a chance of earning them each time you kill a monster. You can also earn favor points each time you complete offers and respond to paid advertising in the Oracle section of the game. Another option is that you can buy the favor points outright using cash.

Hopefully this guide will clarify some of the less obvious aspects of the game, and make your experience playing Castle Age more enjoyable! For more information, please visit us at

Steven maintains Game Tycoon at, a website devoted to strategy, simulation and time management games. You can read game reviews, download games and play them online.

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Cafe World Domination - Your Best Ways to Earn Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash By Patrick Mannson Platinum Quality Author

Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash are the two types of money you need to reach Cafe World domination. Do you have a plan for getting enough of each? If not, I can help.

I used to be confused about the differences between the two. But not anymore. That's thanks to Cafe World Domination, the excellent new guide for this cool Facebook game. Now only do I now understand the difference, I know the best ways to earn both Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash. Interested in some tips?

Cafe Coins

Coins are the regular, every-day kind of money in the game. Customers use coins to pay for their food. You use coins to buy supplies, or decorations for your cafe. In other words, coins are the main money you'll need, and you'll need lots of them.

Since this is so, it's good that coins are pretty easy to acquire. Early in the game, there will be more stuff you want to buy than you have coins to pay for. So thrift is in order at the beginning. You'll want to go easy on things like clothes and decorations, and use your coins for things like buying stoves, tables, and chairs. After all, these are the things that will let you earn more coins more quickly. If you're smart about this, it won't be long before you're earning more coins than you can reasonably spend.

Cafe Cash

Cash is an altogether different animal. It's tough to earn, but you don't really need much of it early in the game. That's good, because you really need to save your cash for later. Why?

Saving your cash early on is crucial because as you progress through the game there will be items that you really want that you can only get with Cafe Cash. Some delayed gratification early on will really benefit you later in the game.

Every time you go up a level in the game, you receive 1 unit of cash. Beyond that, you can actually buy game cash with real-world money. Many players supplement their supply of game cash by clicking the Get Cafe Coins and Cash tab at the top of the screen and spending real money.

One more way exists to earn cash, and it doesn't require you to spend real world money. On the bottom of the Coins and Cash page are a bunch of surveys. You can actually earn Cafe Cash and Coins for taking a few minutes to complete some of these surveys. When you do so, any coins or cash you earn get deposited into your game account, usually within a day.

With the right advice, earning the coins and cash you need for Cafe World domination doesn't have to be hard. To learn more about getting more Cafe Coins and Cafe Cash, as well as all sorts of other crucial game tips and secrets, please CLICK HERE

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Cafe World Cafe Points - How to Get More Cafe Points Quickly and Easily By Tony Sanders

Do you want to get more cafe points quickly and easily? Well if you want to get more cafe points, you need to keep 2 things in mind:

- What to foods to cook
- When to cook the food

Get More Cafe Points Quickly By Knowing What Foods To Cook

To get cafe points(CP) quickly, you will need to know what foods will give you the most CP. The most expensive foods does not necessarily mean that you will receive the most CP. Getting the most CP out of your food depends on 2 factors:

- The time it takes for food to cook
- How much CP you will get per serving

Taking these two factors into consideration will tell you which foods will give you the most CP for your money invested over the time it takes for the food to cook.

Get More Cafe Points Fast By Knowing When To Cook Your Food

To get the most CP out of your food fast, it is important to make your food are a cooking schedule. If you plan a good cooking schedule, you will be able to get the most CP out of your food.

A cooking schedule should revolve around how much time you spend on the internet. If you spend a lot of time on the internet, it is the most efficient to cook foods that take less time to complete, for example Bacon Cheeseburgers. Repeatedly cooking this food item will yield a lot of quick and easy CP.

If you do not go on the internet often, your best option is to cook foods that take more than a couple of hours to complete like the Home-Style Pot Roast. This way you will be maximizing your CP whenever you go online to play cafe world.

But how do you know exactly what food items to cook and when to cook to maximize your cafe points?

Know Exactly What Food Items To Cook And When To Cook Them With Cafe World Guide

To know exactly what food items to cook and when to cook your food for maximum CP and coins requires a lot of thought and research. If you want to know which foods are the best to cook and when to cook the food items without spending hours on research, it is highly recommended to use the Cafe World Guide.

The Cafe World Guide has spent dozens of hours on extensive research and has gathered all of the secrets from the top chef's in Cafe World to help you maximize your CP earnings to dominate Cafe World in a step-by-step guide. All you have to do to gain CP in the quickest and easiest way possible is to follow the step-by-step instructions presented in front of you does that make sense.

Want to see this guide for yourself? Visit: Cafe World Domination

Learning how to build the ultimate cafe yourself will require a lot of research and testing. If you want the fastest and best way to dominate your friends, I highly recommended you use the Cafe World Domination Guide.

Do you want to maximize your cafe points today? Right now? Visit: Cafe World Guide

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EVE Online Missions, 4 Newbie Missioning Tips By Jethro R

In the second part of this three part series, I'll go over a few quick tips for the upcoming missioner in EVE. If you find that mining isn't your thing. (Admittedly, it can get very boring.) Then maybe a few tips on missioning will change your mind.

  • One: As in article one in the series, get a good ship. But in addition to that, INSURE it. It's going to be your missioning ship, and you might find yourself in over your head, and no ship under your feet. Better to have it insured and get your money back for it, instead of being out of ISK and your ship.
  • Two: There are many agents to work for, and they are in different categories, like Security, Industry, Marketing and quite a few others. Each have a different mix of fighting and cargo running mission. Security is almost entirely fighting missions, while Industry will have you zipping back and forth for your hard-earned ISK.
  • Three: Get the right ship and fit it. If you're going to be doing a lot of fighting missions, of course you should be looking at ships that have bonuses to weapons and defensive skills. If you think transportation is more like it, then ships with a bonus to cargo space should be on the top of your list. As for fittings, weapons and defensive modules (upgrades) will of course be best for fighting. There are also upgrades that can increase your cargo space and speed.
  • Four: Don't fly what you can't afford to loose. Take steps in upgrading your equipment. If you spend all your ISK on a brand new, shiny ship, just to have it blown up ten minutes later, you're suddenly out a lot of ISK. Having enough ISK to buy two ships and enough fittings for both of them is a good rule of thumb. Of course if you paid attention to the first tip here and insured your ship, then you won't be so badly off if you loose it.

Well, once again there is a hoard of information out there regarding missions, agents, and what ships to fly. And again I can't possibly cover it all here.

Here are a couple more links for you to continue your reading, and gain further insight into the vast expanse of EVE missioning.

Fly safe Captain, and may your missioning lead you further on in EVE!

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Best Tips For Dominating Levels in World of Warcraft By Ken Karmolinski

Start With The Add-ons

  1. Quest-Helper is one of the best downloads to install. It will show you all the shortcuts to complete your quests.
  2. Titan-panel to view all of your statistics, gold, experience, and level time so you can keep track of how you are advancing.
  3. Auctioneer-Gatherer add-on will help you make more money while training.

The Plan

The next thing you want to do is plan your build. If you are serious about advancing in World of Warcraft, you have to execute a plan.

This is exactly what it is important to research multiple skills within WoW to help you power level. After researching various skills you can then plan out your build and decide what you need.

The Quests

Tip Three. You have to do the work. Completing only one quest is not going to cutt it. So many gamers make the mistake of thinking one quest will make to grade. Don't make the same mistake of gojng for the reward and then back to a quest. This will waste so much time and end up frustrating you.

Don't underestimate the power of Quest Helper. This will greatly organize your quest and keep you on track to your goals. Quest are the best way to keep the game fun and give you ton's of experience, not to mention al the goodies you pick up along the way that you can sell and trade. And don't forget the gold baby.

Track List

The last tip to advance your power leveling is to compile a track list in a media player like windows prior to you starting your grinding. This will eliminate having to constantly need to switch over to change your music and it will make grinding way more enjoyable.

Are You Fed Up With Barely Building Your Gold - Or Are You Ready To Blast Through The Gold Cap?

Take your WoW leveling to the ultimate level and power through to 80 in a fraction of the time click HERE

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Picking the Ideal Race For an Alliance Warrior By William Kamar

So you want to roll up a new Alliance warrior, or maybe you're taking advantage of the new Race Change feature, and you want to make sure you have the best racials available? Well, this guide is here to help you determine which Allied race is best for your purposes, whether you want to Tank, DPS, or are just looking for the best race for PvP.

First up is Human. For DPS, humans have extra expertise with both swords and maces. Every Man for Himself can be handy for Tanking when facing enemies who CC you, but where it really shines is PvP, where it frees up a Trinket slot; considering how powerful the burst provided by trinkets is, this is a massive bonus for any PvP Warrior. Perception is also handy, although with the large number of stealth-improving talents and enchants, you typically won't be able to catch stealthers.

Next up is Dwarf. DPS Dwarves wielding maces will deal more damage thanks to their extra 5 expertise-more than humans get, but limited to maces only. For Tanking, Stoneform can be a great emergency button, giving a temporary armor boost and removing a large number of debuffs and DoTs. PvP Dwarves benefit from both of these things, gaining in both survivability and damage. Their Frost resistance can also help with mages and shaman.

Third to plate is gnome. Gnomes lack beneficial talents for DPS, and Escape Artist, while not useless for Tanking or PvP, is weak in comparison to other on-use racials such as Every Man or Stoneform. PvP gnomes also have an extra 2% arcane resistance, which is useful against mages.

Night Elves, like gnomes, lack any beneficial racials for DPSing, but as Tanks they excel, bringing an extra 2% avoidance to physical attacks and Nature spells. This also helps them in PvP, alongside their ability to Shadowmeld.

Finally we have Draenei. For DPS, Tanking, and PvP, Heroic Presence is a great boon, reducing the amount of Hit you and your party need to stack by 1%. Unfortunately it doesn't stack, so it is a waste if you are not the only Draenei around. Gift of the Naaru can be a decent emergency heal too, and is equally handy for Tanking, DPS, and PvP, although generally if a Tank needs to heal himself things are going badly. Their extra Shadow Resistance is also a nice bonus when facing Warlocks and Priests in PvP.

So what does all of this mean? Well, for DPS your best choice is Draenei. That extra 1% hit is the best DPS gain of the options, AND benefits your party as well. For Tanking, Night Elf's extra avoidance puts it at the top of the list. And for PvP, Human is pretty much unmatched thanks to Every Man for Himself.

If you're interested in reading more articles by the author, check out WoW Gold Spot for information for everything WoW related. To read something about warriors in particular, check out this farming guide for Warrior Gold.

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You Need to Sharpen Your Saw By Teodora Atanasova

For those who are used to playing a rudimentary game without any real guide, you may actually think that using a guide that shows you the ropes of the game will remove the fun from the game; nothing can be further from the truth. The World of Warcraft Power leveling guide will actually enhance your game to such a level you will wonder why no one told you earlier.

Just like it happens when you are in school, the World of Warcraft leveling guide will simply give you compass direction, but the business of finding out what really bust be done remains just with you. Just like reading a map to point A, but it is you who must cross the streets to get there. That is the closest we can get to giving you a picture of what the guide does for you.

If you really do not believe what we are telling you, you will be better off giving it a shot because it will not really take the juice out of your game. It will instead give you a proper handle that tells you exactly what to do at that point in order to reap maximum benefits as the game really is intended to be. Just like a nice meal that must be tasted to be really appreciated, you will only appreciate this if you plunged yourself into it.

There really is no fear that you are going to lose your hold on the game because you consulted a guide. The writers of the World of Warcraft leveling guide have taken into consideration the experiences of players they interacted with and they are actually going to help you avoid unnecessary pitfalls and this is one thing you want to avoid so that you spend your time doing things that really count. You will also avoid trying to go to those levels in the game that you are not yet able to handle because with the guide your growth will be systematic.

Even though you want to get to the maximum level of the game as soon as you begin, if you never get to develop your skills properly you will spend much more tome getting there, if you will ever get there anyway. The World of Warcraft leveling guide will make you waste your time sharpening your saw so that when you get to the forest bringing down those poles will be a walk in the park. You will catch up and overtake the guys who ran to the forest with saws that are blunt because they never wanted to sharpen them and waste their time.

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Linux Counterstrike Source Server By Justin M Smith

Here are my server specs so you can get an idea of what kind of computer you can run a dedicated server on of course more is better so just keep in mind that there are factors that come into play when hosting a dedicated server yourself. Like internet up/down speed, processor speed, ram, hard drive space.

AMD Athlon 1.2ghz

512mb PC-133 RAM

Linksys 10/100 NIC card

60gb Western Digital Hard Drive

Ubuntu Server 9.04

First things first login as root (if not already).


Next navigate to "/usr/local/games" and make a directory named hlds. This directory will hold all of the files for your dedicated server. Once steam is installed you will have a "hl2" folder and also a "cstrike" folder. We will only deal with the cstrike folder for this how to.

cd /usr/local/games

mkdir hlds

cd hlds

Now you will need to download the hldsupdatetool.bin from steam. This is the main install file for steam.

After the bin file has been downloaded we need to make it executable so we can install steam. To make the.bin file executable

chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin

Then execute the bin file by issuing the following command:


Agree to the disclaimer

type yes

It will now extract a readme.txt and steam file into the directory. Execute the steam file so it can update it will take a few minutes. (You might have to do it twice)


Now we have to tell it what game we want to run. For this how to we will choose "Counter-Strike Source".

./steam -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir.

You now have a default Counter Strike Source dedicated server.

cd cstrike

/maps/ - is where all of the maps and waypoints are stored

/mapcycle.txt - is the list of maps it runs

So now that we have a base install lets make it a little more fun and automated.
First if you do not already have it installed, install the package "screen".

apt-get update

apt-get install screen

Screen will help you to run your dedicated server while you are configuring and testing the settings. We will come back to using screen in a moment. For now just install it.
Next we need to configure our server.cfg file. I have made a generic server.cfg file for you to download that has bots etc. You can download it here. Copy this file to your server and place it in the "/usr/local/games/hlds/cstrike/cfg/" folder.
Now we are ready to start the Counter Strike Source server. Type the following to get a server started.


./srcds_run -console -game cstrike +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate

Ctrl-a followed by Ctrl-d (optional this will detach from screen)

Now run your cs client and goto LAN and wait for it to show up in the list. Double click on it to connect. Password=thisismypass (if you are using my server.cfg file)
You now have a vanilla Counter Strike Source server up and running. I would suggest if you are going to open your server up to the public to install either "Mani_Admin_Plugin" or "SourceMod" these will allow you to administer your server from the game and set many more options and fun things for your server.

Here is a script file to use to start the server. csstart

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World of Warcraft Druids - Restoration, Feral and Balance By Thomas C. Jenkins

Hey Treehuggers (Oh, you know I meant that in a good way), you guys are great. Just all around, I love having a Resto Druid Healing, Feral Druids can put out just as much DPS and a rogue, and that Big Bear Tank is always a great thing to have around. One thing though, maybe you play a Druid and now that you've reached max level, you're not sure what you need to be doing in a party? Maybe you need a little advice on what groups are going to be expecting from you? No problem. Today, I'm going to run over some of the responsibilities of the Druid in a Raiding or group application:

Druids have come a long way. Heck, before the Burning Crusade expansion you either healing for a party or you sat your butt on the sidelines and waited until somebody was desperate for you. Now though, Druids can do anything in a group, and the're damn good at it too.

Restoration Druid

Restoration Druids are great all around healers, but where the really shine is HoT (Healing Over Time). That's right, Druids are perfect for those fights where you've got to constantly be moving and there just isn't enough time for a Priest, Paladin or Shaman to stand in one spot spamming heals all day long. Restoration Druids, keep this in mind while you're raiding. You're the only class that can move and heal effectively at the same time. I mean, Priests can Renew or whatever, but you're got a host of different instant HoTs. This is EXTREMELY effective in arena because you can constantly be moving while healing. You can cast Rejuvenation and Lifebloom while running behind a pillar and out of the way of an incoming Fireball or what not. Use it and love it.

Feral Druid

If you're DPSing, there isn't much to say here. Just pretend you're a Rogue and do some badass damage. Feral Tanks, however, are vastly set apart from Warriors in a few ways. Feral Druids have the potential to gain much more base life than Warriors do simply because of the Stamina increase that Bear Form gives. While it's true that Warrior have Commanding Shout, this affects all group members. If you've got a Warrior in your raid group, have him give Commanding Shout for even more health. Swipe is also a key ability that Feral Druids have to their advantage while tanking. As long as the heals are there, this allows Druid to take down multiple foes effectively and efficiently. Warriors have Cleave and Whirlwind, and while these moves are great, Cleave only hits two people and Whirlwind takes five more rage and only hits up to four enemies. Also Swipe's damage is increased by attack power, and Feral druids have a lot more raw attack power than Warriors simply because we get no DPS bonus from our weapons.

Balance Druid

Balance Druids have recently become more popular because they've been given a rethinking by Blizzard. Now that we've seen this improvement, Balance Druids can now actually compete with other caster classes of World of Warcraft. If you're in a raid group, you're expected to keep Moonkin Aura on at all times. After all, that's half the reason you're there. It's similar to the effect that Shadow Priests had on raids after they were given to ability to restore mana and health to their groups. Every raid wanted one after that, and this is no different. Moonkin Aura is amazing and people are going to want it. Earth and Moon is another one of these key factors in whether or not people will want you raiding with them. Keep these on at all times, and other than that, NUKE AWAY!

Cheers World of Warcraft players!

Thomas C. Jenkins has been an avid World of Warcraft player since launch. You can read more from Thomas here: WoW PvP Builds

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Who Guides You to Learn the WoW Game Better? By Teodora Atanasova

Are you by any chance on the lookout for a novel guide to help you learn the best hand in leveling in the World of Warcraft games? Then you need to go no farther than the Liti -4 Alliance leveling guide, which is the crème de la crème of all the guided we have ever co across. After going through all the guides available on the World of Warcraft, you can trust us when we tell you that this is the ultimate guide, written by a couple who have invested their time and money for the love of the game.

Because you are the object that this guide addresses specifically, the LiTi-4 Alliance leveling Guide puts its focus in what you gain as opposed to rushing you through just for the sake of finishing dumping the information they have. This couple has taken their time to give a very informative guide that takes every intricate level of the game into consideration and the icing of the cake is of course the fact the writer seems to put on your shoes and look at things from the perspective of the learner. You therefore get to learn all the tips, tricks and strategies at a pace and speed in a pace that will make you a professional.

There has never been a better team of writers that goes to the basic level of things such as this couple. The reason could because they themselves are enthusiastic fans of the game, which they have played and therefore write from experience. To make your life easier, they have made use of tools that look so real it actually gives you the feel of playing as you read the guide. Something more you will observe, you will learn, just like the authors, how you can develop your interest in the game with your partner with details of what matters as you develop and what you can do without.

As if you have not heard all that here is to gain from the LiTi-4 guide, this comes from a real company that is built into a family that loves the game who may not just be interested in making a quick buck from you and to enhance your experience. You are invited to visit their blog and therein meet with your contemporaries and view all links that are related and if you like, you may also leave a comment.

You just need to go through all the materials prepared by the author of this wonderful guide to know the place they have given the game in their lives. They write and do their business with such passion that it comes out clearly as they guide you through your gaming experience. World of Warcraft can be fun for you especially if you attach yourself to the right masters. Get yourself hooked up with the LiTi-4 Leveling guide and your experience and love of the game will change dramatically, of course for the better.

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Mafia Wars Tips - Secret Tips to Dominate Mafia Wars By Christian Michaelson

Are you looking for secret tips to grow the strongest and ultimate mafia? Well if you want to destroy your competition, you must keep 2 things in mind:

- How to stockpile EXP points quickly to level up
- How to make lots of moneys to buy equipment

Stockpile EXP Quickly By Focusing On Energy Points
So you want to destroy your competition. The first thing you will need to know how to do is to quickly level up. To be able to stockpile EXP quickly, you must complete a lot of missions. However, we all know that missions require energy to complete. So the best option for you to do is to put your profile points that you gain every level into energy.

The main reason for putting your profile points into energy is so that you will be able to complete a lot of jobs quicker, thus giving you lots of EXP and cash at the same time. From level 1-100, it is recommended to put a majority of your profile points into energy.

However, if you do that your character will have weak defense, attack and stamina. So how do you build a well balanced character to destroy your competition while leveling up the fastest way possible?

How To Make Millions Of Dollars Fast
The amount of money you have will result in the strength of your mafia. The more money means that you can buy more equipment such as armor, guns and vehicles for your mafia. In order for you to make millions of dollars quickly in Mafia Wars, here are some things you can do:

- Complete missions with low energy cost, but high payouts
- Buy lots of properties
- Rob other mafias

If you master all of these elements, you will slowly start to earn lots of money. However, if you want to make millions of dollars fast, it requires a different strategy.

So how do you know how to make millions of dollars the fastest way possible? And how do we level up our character the fastest way possible without neglected attack, defense and stamina?

Become A Top Godfather With The Dominate Mafia Wars Guide
If you want to know how to have a huge bankroll fast and how to build the perfect balanced character it may require lots of research and testing. However, if you want to skip all the research and just destroy your competition, it is highly recommended to use the Dominate Mafia Wars guide.

This guide is composed of all the secrets strategies and techniques that only the Godfathers know to make a quadrillion dollars and level up the best way possible. You will learn exactly how to use a secret tactic to create your own money making system and how to master every level through step-by-step instructions and detailed instructions.

Why don't you take a look at these secrets? Visit: Dominate Mafia Wars

To a Godfather, you must know how to make lots of money quickly and how to level up the best way possible. However, knowing all of this may require lots of thought and research. So if don't want to spend hours on research, it is highly recommended to use the Dominate Mafia Wars Guide.

Want to become the don of Mafia Wars? Today? Right Now? Visit: Mafia Wars guide

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Mafia Wars on Facebook - How to Become a Godfather in Mafia Wars on Facebook By Christian Michaelson

Do you want to become a top Godfather in Mafia Wars on Facebook? Well if you want to destroy your competition, you will need to master 2 things:

- How to make lots of money quickly
- How to stockpile EXP the fastest way possible.

Become A Godfather By Knowing How To Make Tons Of Money Fast
To become a Godfather, you must have all the proper equipment to protect yourself from robberies and hitlists. In order for you to achieve this, you must have an unlimited amount of money to buy yourself protection. To make lots of money fast, here are 3 things that you can do:

- Complete low energy, but high payout missions
- Rob and steal from other mafias
- Buy lots of properties for passive income

Become A Godfather By Knowing How To Stockpile EXP Quickly
Money is important if you want to succeed. However, your mafia will be weak if you only have money and no levels to back it up. So to become a Godfather, you must know how to stockpile EXP the quickest way possible.

One method to level up quickly is to focus most of your profile points on energy. Completing missions and jobs is the best way to gain EXP and cash, so the more missions you complete the more EXP as well as cash you will receive. By putting points towards energy, you will be able to complete lots more jobs during the day enabling you to stockpile EXP and cash quickly.

However, by putting most of your profile points towards energy you will be leaving yourself vulnerable to other mafias attack by having low stamina, defense and attack.

So how do you build the best well balanced character so no one can mess with you? And are there any secret strategies to make millions of dollars at once?

Grow Your Mafia Fast And Become The Top Godfather With The Dominate Mafia Wars Guide
Learning how to distribute profile points evenly to create a well balanced character and how to create your own money making system may require a lot of testing and research. If you do not want to spend hours on testing and research, it is highly recommended to use the Dominate Mafia Wars Guide

Dominate Mafia Wars is comprised of the best secrets that only the top Godfathers know to build the ultimate empire to destroy all competition. This guide will show you exactly how to create your own million dollar money making system and how to master each level through step-by-step instructions and detailed screenshots so you can rise to the ranks of Godfather prestige.

Why don't you become a Godfather in Mafia Wars? Visit: Dominate Mafia Wars

To become a Godfather, you will need to master how to make lots of money quickly and how to create a strong character. To do all of this may require lots of research and testing. If you don't want to spend hours on research and testing, it is highly recommended to use the Dominate Mafia Wars guide.

Want to be the envy of your friends? How about dominate them? Visit: Mafia Wars Guide

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WoW Paladin Leveling Guide - Level Fast With a WoW Leveling Guide For a Paladin By Tommy Zak

So you are getting impatient about the slow leveling process of your paladin in World of Warcraft (WoW). What you should know is that there is only one sure way for your paladin to level up fast and that is through the use of a WoW paladin leveling guide. With the use of such a guide, you can easily level up your paladin from 1 to 80 in just a matter of days. Without a guide, it will probably take you a month or more before your paladin can reach level 80. WoW is very notorious for having a slow leveling system. But you don't have to put up with that anymore if you have a guide that will take your hand and walk you through.

Still not convinced why you should use a WoW paladin leveling guide? Then read on to know more about what one can do for you.

One of the best features of a WoW paladin leveling guide is, of course, the step-by-step instructions that it provides. Good talent specialization and add-ons will only take you so far. To level up quickly, what you really need to have is guidance. Something that will tell you exactly what and what no to do in different situations. A good WoW paladin leveling guide will provide you with valuable information no matter what level you are currently in.

Some people may say that you really do not need a guide because information can be easily acquired from the Internet. But looking up for leveling up information on the Internet is such a time waster. What you need is a guide that you can consult without even leaving the game. What you need is a WoW paladin leveling guide.

If you want to super-charge your questing with a WoW Paladin Leveling Guide then hop on over to and watch the video. See how you can use the help of gaming pro's and industry insiders to level from 1-80 easily within 7 days.

What are you waiting for?

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How to Stack Hay Bales on Farmville By Scott Hightower

Farmville is a 2 dimensional game therefore you can't actually stack hay bales. However, you can create the illusion of stacked bales of hay. To create the stacking illusion follow these simple steps:

Step 1; visit the Farmville Market after you log on to Farmville:

Go to the Farmville Market and purchase several bales of hay. Be sure to purchase a varitey of colors to enhance the illusion. Two or Three colors is best, use one color for each layer.

Step 2; align three hay bales:

Align three hay bales vertically. For the best effect use a different color such as red for the middle bale. Note that the individual hay bales are oriented diagonally in a diamond shape. The top corner of the bottom bale will be aligned with the bottom corner of the middle bales. The top of the middle hay bale will be aligned with the bottom corner of the top block in the stack.

Step 3; add filler hay bales:

Insert four bales of hay to fill in the gaps along both sides of the initial stacks. The lower outer pair will be natural in color. The top 2 outer bales will be red.

Step 4; complete the bottom two rows of hay:

Add a natural color bale to fill in the diamond gaps at each end of the bottom row. Use the same color as the bottom layer of your stack.

Stacking tips:

There are 10 colors of Hay on Farmville. Shop the market for Natural, Red, White, Blue, Pink, and Gray. Free gifts are available in Orange, Violet, and Black.

For pictorial illustrations visit our website. You can also create spectacular 2D designs and logos using your favorite colors.

Scott is a farmville expert and author for:

The Farmville Guidebooks website offers a FREE newsletter sign up here:

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Aion Mastery Review By Thomas K

MMO games are very popular. The challenge is to keep peoples interest. To keep people playing the MMO games, such as Aion, are bigger, badder and more difficult to succeed at. The bigger and better the MMO the more popular the game is. So only the best games keep peoples interest. This means that the MMO games are harder. The goal is to keep people playing for hours and spending their money, all in the name of fun. Game guides are constantly being created to help the everyday player succeed at their game of choice.

1. Playing Aion, use the Aion Mastery Guide.

Aion Mastery is the game guide for the MMO Aion. It provides the information needed to quickly reach level fifty no matter what race a person is playing. With Aion Mastery Guide it does not matter what race is being played, Elyos or Asmodian. The guide includes an Elyos leveling guide and an Asmodian leveling guide. This guide grows and changes with the Aion game. As the game evolves online patches and updates are created and changes the game, the guide updates as well.

2. What about Kinah?

A complete Kinah guide is included in the Aion Mastery guide. It is just as important to have the Kinah as it is to reach level fifty. The game guide shows how to optimize Kinah earnings from the first level to the last. It explains how to craft and what to craft or make and farm on each level.

3. Aion is Complex.

The game guide keeps things on track. It is that little extra help that keeps thing organized and prevents frustration caused by not moving forward. There is a lot to know and learn when playing Aion. The game guide simply makes it easier to learn, and to play better. Yes players with the guide do have an advantage, both in game play and in reduced expenses. That is to be expected seeing as the purpose behind the guide is to eliminate frustration and unnecessary expenses for players. The choice is to either spend lots of time and money playing Aion trying to succeed or using the guide and being a successful dominant player.

Is Aion Mastery a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this Aion Online Guide before you buy!

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Star Trek Online Ships Guide By Nick K Platinum Quality Author

Star Trek Online is an upcoming MMO game developed by Cryptic Studios. It's however not the same team which developed the recently released Champions Online which unfortunately didn't turn out so well. Star Trek Online is however a much better game and commanding your own starship will undoubtedly be more fun than what most other games offer.

There are many different starships in STO, and all fit in one of three main categories: Escort ships, Science ships and Cruiser Ships.

1. Escort Ships

Escort ships are the smallest and fastest and pack unusually big firepower. Escort ships are also the only ships on which you can equip cannons. They are however not the best when it comes to various science or engineering tasks, but their high damage output in most cases makes it unnecessary.

2. Science Ships

Science ships are medium size ships with a little bit of everything. They don't have as much firepower or maneuverability as Escort vessels but they make up for it with advanced shields, detection of cloaked ships, awesome buffs and debuffs, sensors which detect weaknesses in opponents ships and similar features. Overall, in a large battle you will want to bring a Science ship as well.

3. Cruiser Ships

Cruiser ships are the largest vessels in Star Trek Online which can compliment up to a thousands crew members on board. That makes them perfect for sending boarding parties as well as fight against them. Cruisers feature the biggest Warp Core which gives more power to all ships subsystems making them more effective, as well as the highest amount of weapon slots, which obviously make Cruiser ships a formidable ship to battle against. They are also very effective when transporting goods due to their high storage capacity.

It depends on players rank which ship he can command. Higher rank obviously enables you to have a bigger and better ship, which can further be enhanced by a number of ways. You can use various items obtained on missions and elsewhere to equip your vessel with better weapons, shield, deflector and other features. You also get to use Bridge Officers which have access to different skills depending on their rank and the rank of the bridge station you assign them to. Additionally, you can enhance your ship with station modifications, which can all previously be seen in movies and TV shows, for example graviton generators.

For a more detailed ships guide for Star Trek Online I suggest visiting this lens, as well as StarTrek Leveling Guide, a website with many different Star Trek Online guides, news and media.

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